“With One Goal” at the Hall of Emblems in Assisi!

On the occasion of the Feast of Saint Francis, Patron Saint of Italy and Protector of Animals, in His city, with the collaboration of the City of Assisi, the halls of the Municipality will host “WITH A SINGLE GOAL “ the photographic exhibition of Un Tesoro di Cane odv and Fabio di Marcantonio.

Bringing the exhibition to the city of animals is a strong desire of the associations PALINDROMA, UMANITÀ E ALTRI ANIMALI and UN TESORO DI CANE ODV.

  1. the associations and the exhibition
  2. the activities: children’s workshop and trekking
The synergy of the two associations emphasizes two sides of the same coin: the fight against abandonment and violence against animals (Un tesoro di Cane odv) and the “Cane Turista” project (Palindroma, Umanità ed altri animali) With a Single Objective, the photographic exhibition that touches the chords of intimacy is divided into two exhibition paths

Over 40 works will touch the soul of the visitor, revealing new segments of the soul. The exhibition and the photographer’s skill capture the non-visual aspects of artistic production. The exhibition offers a different perspective from the ordinary, allowing everyone to look at the work and look inside themselves.

Sweet, romantic, spirited and full of meaning, the exhibition is suitable for everyone: those who know their own empathy and those who suffocate it in the Self.

In a delicate way the paths turn the gaze towards the other, maintaining a direct line with one’s own soul.

The first, “before and after”, makes the invisible visible. The work of the association can be seen in the colors that appear, in the lines that communicate and in the metamorphosis of souls. The path tells the story of straying in its final transformation: that of listening, of transformation by those who dedicate themselves to being their springboard. We are the link between the cage and the sofa, and in this path Fabio immortalizes the invisible ring of profound transformation. the second exhibition path, “Role Playing Game”, thanks to the professionalism and empathetic skill of the model Chiara Pavoni, and the skillful photography of Fabio di Marcantonio, leads the visitor to empathize with the phenomenon. The route is part of the campaign against abandonment that runs alongside “se l’abbandoni fai schifo, campagna 2023″ and “abbandonati a loro” permanent campaign of the association Un Tesoro di Cane odv 2- trekking and workshop for children The association PALINDROMA, UMANITÀ E ALTRI ANIMALI, for the day of October 5th is organizing two cultural trekking routes with a guide and in the company of our PETs To participate in the treks, you will need to book via email, contacts or at the exhibition until October 4th. on October 4th,  in the exhibition hall, at 5:00 p.m. all children are invited to a themed workshop “with a single #obiettivodivano, the tourist dog”

here are some wonderful pictures from the event

the effects of the event are not over here... updates coming soon

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