Letters from the sofa

Since the first cage opened, many years ago, we have always been clear about the fact that we would have experienced the worst side of their lives. To help many of them we would have had to hand over their destinies to those who had the possibility of loving and welcoming them. This is our job. THE OBJECTIVE OF THE SOFA has always been our goal, handing over our treasures to a wonderful destiny and choosing to be THE LINK BETWEEN THE CAGE AND THE SOFA.

However, by adopting, you become part of the great family of Un Tesoro di Cane and our wonderful adopters never stop making us dream by telling us about the beauty of their happy ending.

Over time we have learned to write the preface of that wonderful book that is the life of the adopted. We have committed ourselves to decoding every gesture and every moan to be able to tell as much as possible about their past. This hard work gives the new family the beauty of being able to write a best seller, whose pages are still completely blank. The real storytelling begins from the link between the cage and the sofa.

The best seller returns to us, of which we read with love, apprehension, satisfaction and determination every single page of the new chapters. Reading these beautiful love stories recharges our sacrifices and our often tired hearts. Realizing that it is worth it, everything acquires a true value. This column serves to restore determination to those who desire it. We have chosen to share some letters from the sofa, some snippets of adventure and happiness, photos and emotions that come from our Treasures who, thanks to the hard work of the association and the immense trust that our adopters reserve for us, return to recharge and charge us.


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