With a single GOAL

WITH A SINGLE GOAL - project in collaboration with FABIO DI MARCANTONIO

In collaboration with Fabio DI Marcantonio, a professional  photographer, several awareness projects have started that we have been working on for months now. We are almost ready to present them all, on this page there will be the stories of the behind the scenes, the adventures, and the description of the individual campaigns that we will create together!

He is Crodino, the day his destiny finally changed


Part of a wonderful  collaboration with photographer FABIO Di MARCANTONIO, an artist with a huge heart, capable of photographing the soul and communicating important messages through pets! Our Treasures will be the protagonists of many initiatives together! The first of the projects is a masterpiece!
in addition to the campaign DON’T ABANDON THEM, #ABANDONATIALORO, which Un Tesoro di Cane has been promoting for years, this year, thanks to Fabio’s wonderful work, the campaign is starting


abandonment means desperation, anxiety, crisis of body and soul. This is what happens when you turn the other way. Your story ends, and begins its fight, often losing, for Life. In the luckiest cases their destiny meets associations or adoptions. But this is the exception. We are the exception. YOU SUCK. #seloabbandoniFAISCHIFO

Fabio captured the moment of desperation, he masterfully gave voice to what YOU do not want to hear.


IL 28 , 29 and 30 JULY at the Baubeach in Maccarese (Rome) the photographic exhibition born from the collaboration between Un tesoro di Cane odv</strong will be set up > and Fabio di Marcantonio, pet and portrait photographer. The exhibition develops in two emotional paths.

BEFORE AND AFTER: the metamorphosis, where the unsaid is the work of Un Tesoro di Cane odv.

ROLE PLAYING GAME: where identification is the Copernican revolution of reading the message. Recognizing oneself. Dealing with empathy.

The constant awareness work addresses the phenomenon of abandonment from all angles, to effectively reach an increasingly wider audience, determined to make a difference


In collaboration with the association PALINDROMA UMANITÀ ED ALTRI ANIMALI, in the week dedicated to Saint Francis, the photographic exhibition WITH A SINGLE GOAL returns to thrill! to learn more click here!

THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL TEAMWORK we are happy to share the result of the ASSISI adventure!