Luce Beauty adopts Lucky

The clean and organic cosmetics line by Alessia Marcuzzi came to our aid to save Lucky. In fact, it changed his destiny: we rescued him in serious difficulty and we did not have the resources to help him. The community of Luce e Beauty with an immense gesture of generosity adopted him for recovery and treatment. We hope that he will soon find a family!

by following this project you will be able to follow the rebirth of Lucky!

Become an active part of this project! Help us to make the happy ending come true, follow Lucky’s appeal and help us share it!
click here to see it!

Lucky needs help

December 12, 2022 Lucky was in serious trouble, he needed help. Luce Beauty by Alessia Marcuzzi is a company that did not hold back and decided, with us at Un Tesoro di Cane odv, to bet on its rebirth.

The community chooses the name

January 2, 2023 The Luce Beauty by Alessia Marcuzzi community has chosen a very important name that we do not intend to betray! We all believe that this story will lead to the #obiettivodivano and Lucky has a great team cheering for him! Lucky was therefore welcomed and started living again

After a month... it's already a miracle!

February 6, 2023 The therapy against mange is definitely bringing its wonderful results! He loves cuddles and is truly grateful for the life he has given back! During the visit to the vet for a complete check-up he was very good! His hair is growing back and the wounds are healing, it seems that soon he will finally be able to become a wonderful dog with a thick white coat! It is impossible not to see his gratitude in his gaze towards the volunteers and the vet who are taking care of him. Lucky is looking for a family! thanks to the Luce Beauty Community, Lucky is regaining his life and dignity!

Lucky has an extra touch of Luce Beauty: a wonderful medallion!

March 6, 2023 The tag with the name chosen by the community (obviously with that touch of Light to shine even more) has reached Lucky! He is more and more beautiful! like every path, sometimes, you can come across some difficulties, and ours is called Leishmaniasis, we discovered it with veterinary insights But this is where the power of solidarity comes in: thanks to Luce Beauty, Lucky will be able to be supported in the best possible way, and have a targeted therapy available that will accompany him throughout his life, and that will make him feel good! In fact, Lucky has already started treatment, and now he is just waiting for a family to welcome him and love him forever. And who knows if it will be someone from the community who will make room for him on their sofa!

Happy Easter from Lucky who becomes agile and happy

APRIL 10, 2023 The care and love are working miracles! Lucky is now also learning to be athletic, his happiness leads him to discover and overcome his own limits and to enjoy new complicities. IF WE THINK ABOUT HOW HE CAME TO US.. WE CAN TALK ABOUT ALMOST A MIRACLE. THE COMMUNITY OF LUCE BEAUTY BY ALESSIA MARCUZZI is allowing a true rebirth of our little hero! IT WILL BE THE REAL MIRACLE WHEN HE CAN HAVE HIS OWN SOFA!

Lucky is getting more and more beautiful!

May 2023 Lucky is getting better and better! He started a supplement that will help his immune system a lot! He is happier and happier and thanks to LUCE BEAUTY his rebirth continues!

Lucky meets Alessia Marcuzzi!

June 2023 The big day has arrived and Lucky has shown all his immense gratitude to his savior and his team! It was a very emotional day! Without the support of Luce Beauty by Alessia Marcuzzi, in fact, it would not have been possible to allow such a beautiful rebirth! Here is the video of their first memorable meeting! click here

Lucky against summer abandonment

Our Lucky is enjoying his well-deserved summer vacation (between one yawn and another😅) in the company of his foundling friends and Castagnola (you can find him at the end of the video!). The last vet check went better than we expected: Lucky's blood tests have improved, which means that the treatment for Leishmaniasis is making a difference in his life!😍

Lucky wants a family FOREVER

September 2023 Lucky is ready for his new life, he faces the treatments with grit and happiness, he has learned to play and loves cuddles. His life must take flight towards the #objectivesofa! help us make him happy forever!

September To Do List

September 2023 Lucky doesn't give up, his determination has surprised everyone! Come on Lucky, we're all rooting for you!

happy halloween

our Lucky has disguised himself to try to live up to the celebrationshere is the video of his party while waiting for his family!

pas de deux of bomerissima!

November 2023 His Godmother. exceptional dances on TV and he rehearses for a pas de deux while waiting for his forever dancer to arrive look how good he is!

Merry Christmas from Lucky who was hoping for a family Christmas

he chose the Luce Beauty colored hat to thank those who are allowing his rebirth, but under the tree he put the suerance that this is the last Christmas without a real family. Lucky continues to wait for his train...

Time for scented baths!

June 2024 Lucky's analyses are getting better and better and the time has really come for him to become a perfect scented model too! A thousand adventures that continue to make him mature and make him an adorable little gentleman!

Lucky has been neutered!

August 2024here is the first shot just after surgery! Lucky is doing great! He has been neutered and is now really ready to go home! He continues to hope like crazy! He loves us eh... but he has seen too many friends conquer a sofa! Now it's his turn!

Lucky is tired: he really needs someone just for him

Lucky really needs to find a home, we are doing everything we can to make him happy, but it's not enough anymore. Lucky has seen too many friends go home, and for him never an opportunity. He is a bit disheartened

Lucky: The surfer who has no eyes for blondes on the beach!