How to adopt

We follow two categories of dogs, one under our direct management (“foster dogs”) and one coming directly from the kennels where we deal only and exclusively with the search for families, pre-adoptive and post-adoptive assistance but not with the management of the dog.

As for the dogs in foster care, they are part of the “missions”, we use veterinarians who are third-party to the association and who issue regular certifications and who are concerned with the health of our dogs. Once the health condition has stabilized, our protected dogs are transferred to re-educators, also third-party to the association, who deal with behavioral assessment, who actively work on psychological recovery and who dictate a profile for the best search for the right family. This entire complicated machine exists only thanks to donations and all the reports and the work done will be regularly sent to the adopters. In the case in which the adoption is directly from the kennels, all the documentation that can be obtained will depend on the kennel itself. In this case, the association deals with the selection of the family, transportation and all post-adoptive support.

This is an adoption of a Treasure with special needs, an adoption that needs a big heart and that can start loving right away. It can happen because the Treasure is no longer young, because he needs care or for other reasons!
You will find the reasons in the text of the appeal!

Before adopting

If you have come this far, it is because you are seriously considering the idea of ​​expanding your family. And it is therefore important that you seriously consider some key aspects.

Adopting a dog changes your life. Forever.

The aim of Un Tesoro di Cane is to give animals with a stormy past what we like to call the #obiettivodivano: a peaceful life together with your new friend, and for this reason we do not want to risk disappointing expectations!

Do not rush, carefully evaluate each single aspect and, if you are not the one directly interested, make sure that the future adopter becomes aware of it by sharing this page.

First of all, carefully evaluate the time and energy that you yourself can dedicate to the new arrival, without counting on the help and promises of others. If additional help were to arrive, it would be an added value, but your skills and resources must be constant and independent of others. Don’t forget that it is a commitment that will last the entire life of your new furry friend, during which you will have to dedicate time and energy, without ever skipping a walk because you don’t find the time, or offering walks so short that they deprive him of his moments of socialization, which are as important for dogs as they are for us humans. If your life keeps you away from home a lot and he doesn’t have the opportunity to go out at lunchtime, perhaps it is better to adopt another type of animal!

He will reciprocate by giving you joy and happiness, he will dedicate his existence to you, with a loyalty unknown even to us humans, but he will always remain equivalent to a small child, and as such will require constant and loving attention.

Carefully evaluate the costs: keeping a dog has fixed costs, but also many variables. Make sure you have considered this aspect consciously, taking into account the vet, dry and wet food, plates and bowls, mats and brushes and, of course, toys and treats… and the list is neither exhaustive nor constant. It is not an unsustainable expense, but it must still be taken into consideration.

The dog is a pack animal, carefully consider the environment in which it should be placed and evaluate the reactions of the other members of your current pack. It will change the life of everyone present regardless of the number of legs. If the adoption is by a family unit, the adoption must be by mutual agreement, without second thoughts or doubts, especially if there are children. Do not forget that some dogs, which in your eyes are more beautiful than others, have genetic characteristics (or a past) that make them unique: evaluate the actual compatibility with your and your family’s daily life: do not rely only on aesthetics.

It is also important to keep in mind that pets are not always accepted in hotels, villages, or on a plane. Consider what type of vacation you will take, and how to accommodate the limitations due to the presence of your four-legged friend.

What value do you give to adoption and what to your home, cleanliness and parquet? Think about it!

You want the puppy because that way it grows the way you want it to… but are you sure you want to demonstrate your ability to transmit balance and competence?

If by reading this page you are making serious reflections and evaluations on every point, it is likely that you are choosing a conscious path and we are ready to clarify your doubts and evaluate with you which solution could be valid

Contact us!


Adoption process

The adoption process is made up of a pre-adoptive phase, a foster care phase, and a post-adoptive phase.


We are at your disposal for further information

Following the expression of interest, after a brief introductory phone call, in which the adoption needs of the dog and family will be expressed, a pre-adoption request form will be sent.

How does the dog get home?


If the dog is in southern Italy, how can I adopt it from Milan? Here is the answer to this important question! Relays are born as a journey in stages where the alternation of the various athletes is dictated by the passing of the baton. with the same concept, volunteers from all over Italy organize themselves to bring their little ones closer to their new lives. In our case, the interpretation is slightly different and what happens is that we personally organize ourselves to transfer our “treasures” directly into the arms of their families. We travel the Autostrada del Sole with approved vehicles and personally take care of the delivery to the adopters. this allows us to be closer to the new families and not to excessively stress the dog during the transfer.


The relay is certainly a service that we willingly provide to facilitate adoptions, this does not mean, of course, that where possible, we can organize support and integration meetings with the chosen dog, especially if the dog is not far from the aspiring adopter.

But it is good to remember that we are a small association, not a kennel, so everything will have to be shaped case by case compatible with our mini resources and certainly following a concrete desire to adopt!

After adoption

with the adoption we do not abandon you! all the efforts made to save him have brought him to You, and we will be his guardian angel for his entire life. our team will be available for any assistance compatible with our resources and we will try to always be by his side! educators, volunteers, veterinarians will be at your side to help you get to know the new member of your family better!

after all, with the adoption, after all the effort made we give you the most beautiful part of their life, we will ask you to share with us the good things too! it will be a way to enjoy his rebirth and to find the energy to never stop!