Legacies – Donations in Memory

Your choice will allow UN TESORO DI CANE ODV to face and carry out new missions, allowing a growing number of dogs to reach their couch forever

You too can be the link between the cage and the couch. We are far from solving the problem of stray dogs in Italy, despite the constant commitment of many organizations, but every stray adopted is the victory of life, it is Heaven all of a sudden, it is the determination that reminds us every day that it is worth believing and it is worth doing it to the end.


Loss is always a very strong pain, but you can decide that it can become a source of life for those who are still in the dark

In memory of a loved one you can decide to allocate a donation to our missions

Send us an email to let us know your donation in memory and if you want a dedicated space in memory we will be happy to publish your message

To find out what costs UTDC constantly supports, click here

Donate now click here

Or help us at build the dream with a bank transfer IBAN: IT22Q0200805056000103791588 IN THE NAME OF “un tesoro di cane” CF 97849920588 YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT (DEDUCTION OR TAX RELIEF)!!!! In the name of “un tesoro di cane” BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1C14

The team, dedicated as ever, is well aware that to make this magical recipe there are two fundamental ingredients, very difficult to find: time and resources

For this reason, we put everything we can, but YOU ARE INDISPENSABLE

Without YOU we can do nothing


Do you want to know how we use your donation?

Write us an email at info@untesorodicane.org so we can thank you for your generous gesture! Choose whether to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter or receive constant updates via WhatsApp! Just leave us your number and we will be happy to let you know every nuance of building a dream! #insiemesipuo and sharing with you the small big goals will be the greatest gift!

First of all, save our email address in your address book, so it doesn’t end up in spam!