Birthday – Organize a fundraiser

Your birthday and any of your anniversaries can be a valid support also on social channels! In fact, you can choose to be a concrete actor and manage a fundraiser like a skilled orchestra conductor!

Plan your attack plan well, share the reason for your choice with your friends and raise awareness so that your friends show the desire to be an active part of your birthday by realizing your desire to help

Choose a goal, motivate it and also try to exceed it

Those who love you know that your choice is not trivial and will not be less!

Use all the tools available!

First of all, personalize your collection in an incisive way, put it online describing the goal you want to achieve and why!

Go to the Facebook page of a dog treasure and “create a fundraiser”

Choose the most incisive title and the duration of your mission!

Describe why you are raising money and choose a cover image that can capture attention!

At this point “CREATE”

At this point your campaign is online!

Tell everyone about your generous initiative and share your gesture in the news section and in the stories!

Once you have created the link to your campaign, also use other support channels to be truly viral! Write WhatsApp messages, emails, share on other social networks and spread your message as you can!

Don’t be alone in taking this step! #insiemesipuo and Facebook allow three organizers together to manage the same collection! Choose carefully who will help you reach and exceed your goal… sofa!

Contact us! We will be proud to publish your gesture of generosity on each of our channels!

Insert the button make a donation in your stories! Your followers will be enchanted by your generosity and efficiency!

The most important thing is the passion you put into it! Interact, tell about us, actively live your profound gesture!

Create an ad hoc page to promote your desire to make a difference!

The occasion to create a fundraiser can be dictated by the simple desire to give concrete help to UTDC odv, but it can also be for occasions such as birthdays, births, weddings, name days, communion, confirmation, graduations, work, loss of a loved one, adoption of a new family member, start of a new project…

To start a fundraiser on Facebook click here!

INSTAGRAM can also raise funds today!

You can do it in stories and here too you can really make a difference!

Here are some tips to achieve greater success!

Make your profile public!

Choose the hashtag that will make you break the screens! Insert the top hashtags also thanks to your personal experience!

Constantly publish stories that update the progress of the collection or that motivate people to take part!

Choose images that convey the idea of ​​the message you want to convey! “Instagrammable” images … exactly!!!!

Always include the fundraiser link and the option to donate directly!

Get excited and excite!

Thank those who make your fundraising dream come true with stories!

Report your goals!

To start a fundraiser on Instagram click here!

Here’s why your donation is important