Are you a company? You can donate too!

We firmly believe in teamwork and if you are here it is because you have a team too!

And when the team is  animated by deep passion and dedication it is the moment when the difference is made and it is really done!

The team, dedicated as ever, is well aware that to make this magical recipe there are two fundamental ingredients, very difficult to find: time and resources

For this reason, we put everything we can, but YOU ARE INDISPENSABLE

We can do nothing without YOU: WE LIVE ONLY ON DONATIONS

Companies can also deduct donations and the reform has brought about great changes! For more information click here

To donate click here

Or help us build the dream with a bank transfer IBAN: IT22Q0200805056000103791588 IN THE NAME OF “un tesoro di cane” CF 97849920588 YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT (DEDUCTION OR TAX RELIEF)!!!! In the name of “un tesoro di cane”


You can also decide to host us in your big family, inviting us to your events and giving us a little corner! We will be happy to participate! Invite us! 

Do you want to help us, but we are far away or it is complicated to invite us? We can organize to provide you with material that can speak in place of our presence!

Help us get to know your friends, help us go viral! Unity is strength and you know it well!

Do you want to organize an active volunteer day for your team?

Do you want to give solidarity gifts to your customers or employees?

Do you want to propose new initiatives involving UTDC? Do you want to donate part of the proceeds of a specific product to us in a specific fundraiser? We really need you! Click here!

Take a look at our projects, get inspired to do good together!

To find out what costs UTDC constantly supports, click here

Have you donated?
Fill out the form to request a receipt.