The costs that the association sustains for each mission

Why support us? 

We are the incredible result of a magma of emotions that has led to a single and well-printed goal in mind: WE ARE THE LINK BETWEEN CAGE AND SOFA.

And so, to shorten the transition period as much as possible and find the right family for each Treasure more easily, we have chosen to rely on professionals for the behavioral and health recovery of the little protagonists of our Missions.

The faster, more efficient and competent their recovery, the sooner they acquire serenity, the more we are able to find them the right families and the sooner we are able to welcome the new protagonists of their missions!

First of all, in fact, once the emergency to intervene on has been identified, we run to the vet. The veterinary clinic starts the health check-up that allows us to intervene where necessary or to be able to proceed with the re-education process

After all “ Mens sana in corpore sano”! The unpredictability of the state of health also involves a deep uncertainty regarding the relative costs to be borne in order to guarantee them!

At this point the re-educators take over, the angels who welcome our little ones and who begin to give them all the attention necessary to understand their past, reassure their present and help them concretely face their future.

The aim is to ensure the maximum while waiting for the right family. Each month of re-education has a cost per dog that is approximately 150 euros. It varies depending on the rehabilitation chosen for the little one. Veterinary expenses must be added to this!

This up to the #obiettivodivano

The team, dedicated as ever, is well aware that to make this magical recipe there are two fundamental ingredients, very difficult to find: time and resources

For this reason, we put everything we can into it, but YOU ARE INDISPENSABLE

Without YOU we can do nothing


Since 2010 we have given a sofa to hundreds and hundreds of the poorest. The costs are very high but we firmly believe that #insiemesipuo and that, thanks to this, Un Tesoro di Cane will be able to rewrite many more stories


Or help us build the dream with a bank transfer IBAN: IT22Q0200805056000103791588 IN THE NAME OF “un tesoro di cane” CF 97849920588 YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT (DEDUCTION OR TAX RELIEF)!!!! Made out to “un tesoro di cane” BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1C14

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