Become a volunteer

We need you! We are looking for your energy and your desire to make a difference! 

You can become part of our team!


if you are in Rome our Treasures constantly need drivers to accompany them to and from vets, adoptions, recoveries, educators!

the fate of our Treasures also depends on markets and fundraisers! we need volunteers available for shifts at craft markets and other events to which we are invited!

UTDC needs YOU! contact us!

The more viral the diffusion of our missions, the more productive it becomes! Help us spread it in your city, become a promoter of our impossible dreams!

Are you in other cities?

Bring UTDC odv to events in your city! Become the point of reference for building an awareness team! The GASOLINE of our survival depends on YOU. Share our passions and the desire to make a difference, go viral with us, create your team and put every resource into motion to conquer as many sofas as possible! Each of us can make an indescribable difference and only by taking action will you be able to realize how immense your potential is

Ask us for information on training!

Do you want to volunteer in contact with dogs? Dogs in re-education and in general contact with animals presuppose training and support, it is essential to become competent before being able to act. Quality volunteering is volunteering that can actually change the world! Contact us for more information!