Why are adoptions only in the center-north?

This question is often asked, and it is worth resolving this doubt once and for all. Unfortunately, in Italy the phenomenon of stray dogs is still a very serious plague. However, in northern Italy it is almost defeated. The same cannot be said of the south, where volunteers struggle daily with a reality that shows no signs of diminishing.

The kennels in the north are often the launch pads for dogs that are sent from the south to seek their fortune and the phenomenon of overpopulation of kennels in the south is on the rise. Furthermore, the number of volunteers in proportion to the objective needs in southern Italy is decidedly too low compared to the needs. For this reason, associations choose to entrust dogs to areas where the stray dog ​​rate is not too high, allowing volunteers overwhelmed by emergencies in the most difficult territories to entrust dogs to those who are not too far away… and who… who knows, maybe from adopters they can transform themselves into a new volunteer force!
Furthermore, due to the excessive workload always dictated by emergencies, it is more complicated to find a valid and concrete network of volunteers who have the concrete availability to also follow the pre- and post-adoption phase of a dog coming from other regions.

The request for such help forces volunteers to withdraw their help from front-line emergencies.